Tuesday, August 29, 2017

why start with traditional?

Traditional archery is not a single form but a range of forms. It contains bits of theory and practices that can be applied to any form of archery, but that is not the big benefit of traditional.

When we learn any sport or skill of any kind, we process through acquiring a bit of knowledge, then muscle development then finally the skill. Muscle development takes time and effort. Traditional archery with arrow aiming is ideal for muscle development because it requires a hold period as our back picks up the load, and this same muscle development is required for either compound or Olympic recurve. The equipment required is a lot more reasonable priced than either compound or Olympic recurve. As the archer developed, stronger limbs will be required.

I stopped doing archery for a long time. I am a compulsive obsessive person, that is something I can only live with. I missed archery, and did not touch it until I saw retirement coming. A bit of reading and a few incidental exposures was all I allowed myself. Archery is something that I can get lost in, and knew that I could not devote myself to archery and a career; I knew that geotechnical engineering was a full time profession; and if I was going to be successful, I would need to limit my distractions from the process.

Traditional modern equipment is the most economical archery equipment available. There are no sights to fiddle with; it is just a bow, an arrows, target and the archer. Not the best of bows, not the best of arrows; however, a modern carbon fiber arrow will last for years unless they encounter stone, concrete, steal, or become lost in brush or turf.

The bow must be sized for the archer, and the arrows need to match the bow and archer. Depending on the style the archer shoots, the draw length will vary more than one might expect. Instinctual shooters, those who do not use the arrow for aiming, occupy the ends of the range of draw length. Over drawing of modern short bows can damage the bow, and must be avoided. Some of the old style long bows could be drawn further, but these were typically longer bows, up to eight feet long, and likewise, some short bows were intended for just short draw lengths. For this adventure we shall be using standard finger at the corner of mouth anchor as a typical anchor to start with.   

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